We took the younger 3--Magu, Selena, and Monica--to the San Francisco Zoo. The weather was good and there were many new animals to see:
gallivanting giraffes
chilean flamingos
magu and the lions
south american penguins
thank goodness for $8 rental strollers!
did you know that chimps are closer to humans in DNA than they are to apes?
a very willing peacock likes to model herself
The highlight of our zoo visit was the Children’s Zoo, where Magu and Ricky delighted in exotic spiders—like the Goliath tarantula or the Black Widow, along with giant walking sticks, millipedes, centipedes, and scorpions at the Insect Zoo.
Meanwhile, the girls and I headed out the to the Family Farm, where they giggled as we petted and fed the Swedish rare pony, English Jacob sheep, Mary’s lambs, Mediterranean miniature donkey, pigs, West African Nigerian dwarf goats, chicks and ducks.
Should you find yourself in the Bay Area with your kids, a visit the SF Zoo is highly recommended.