Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friday's Feast for All of Us

Check out Friday's Feast--a good chance for those who haven't posted in our blog to do so.

While our questions may sometimes be related to food, the main idea here is to feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.

Each Friday when you visit this meme, you will find 5 enticing courses for your mind to gobble up.

Join in na! (Just copy and paste on a new page, with your answers)

Friday, February 02, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Nine

What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?

Main Course
If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.

Hope to hear from many of you soon. . . .

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