Friday, June 06, 2008

Picnic Lunch in Concord!

The Cuencas and Villalunas, with my mom, Uncle Bob and some of their neigbors, spent Sunday lunch till afternoon in the park. We pigged out on grilled burgers, hotdogs, pasta, potato salad! The kids had so much fun, frolicking in the grass, and just spending time together. There was much laughter, kwentuhan, and just plain hanging out enjoying the outdoors. Something we cant do in Manila. Here are some of the photos I took.


имя мое said...

positiff ((9=

Lia said...

Panay hotdogs and hamburgers ata ang kinain nila Eena while they were here in the US! They were with us for 3 days and that is all they ate. I served them chinese food one night and offered to cook for them another evening, but all they wanted was hotdogs and White Castle hamburgers! Ano ba 'yan? hahaha