Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It was in Lolo and Lolo's bed that I learned how to somersault. At the beginning, it was just "circo" in the bed until my cousins and I discovered the filing cabinet. We would climb the filing cabinet and jump with all our might, accompanied by twists and turns, and land smack on the bed. Of course, this was done when they were not around.

We would try our best to put back the furniture and the bed covers in place upon learning that Lolo and Lola were on their way back. Except for one occasion wherein we couldn't hide the fact that we were jumping all over their bed – one of the legs broke off. I could hear Lola very clearly with her famous "Mga bata!!!!!".

I miss the times I spent with my cousins growing up in Broadway. The games we played were so fun and imaginative: building tents in Lola's room, playing haunted house, high jump, olympics-style games with teams such as eagles and stags, water pistol fights, rubber band and paper bullet battles and the ever-popular "Mr. Utot". I wish our kids could have the same simple games. What makes me happy is seeing that the generation after us seems to also have a similar bonding towards each other as we did. I hope that even if most are in far away places, they would continue to keep in touch.

Like we always tell our friends, "kaming mga Rodrigo ay hindi lang magpipinsan, para kaming magkakapatid".



TOW Blog said...

we are so lucky to have grown up with such rich childhood experiences! and to grow up with lolo and lola was truly a privilege.

tilamsik said...

Right on Minotte. Rhea